Candidate profile

People who are working/ would like to work in the international business environment. Field experience may be an advantage, but is not compulsory.

Whether you are a working professional looking for an exciting fusion of skills and experience that could accelerate your career or currently finishing your bachelor’s degree and looking for a jumpstart to your career this is the programme for you.

We offer convenient evening class times which allow you to focus on your career or just be a full-time student.

The aim of our programme is to train specialists in:

  • public relations and communication
  • international business, intercultural management & marketing
  • research in economics and business
  • administrative and commercial positions
  • human resources and talent management
  • any field that requires excellent communication in English and business communication skills.

University graduates with a non-economic specialisation are encouraged to apply; the number of years of study and the graduation year will not represent evaluating criteria.






Our testimonials

I really appreciate your teaching style

Dear Professor Nicolae, I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for the years when I came ASE. From the programme I have obtained many things, both knowledge and experience. I really appreciate your teaching style - interesting, practical and intelligent. I also appreciate your style as a leader - always positive and encouraging, I can get confidence from you.From the master, especially from my dissertation, as well as the dissertation defence yesterday, I'm extremely grateful to you for your instruction and encouragement. Thank you for your patience, time and energy!! And also thank all our other professors for everything!! Best regards, Yan Alexandra (Yan Zhimin), Chinese language lecturer in Romania (2010 - present)

I’m ready to fly!:)

Dear Professor, I miss the in-class atmosphere at our master and feel with some regret that my academic English is quickly deteriorating. Since I have graduated I have some satisfying non-academic work going on, as pictured below. Yes, I am a pilot. And the master programme helped a lot. When you need a guest speaker for the leadership course I'm ready to fly!:)

I highly recommend it!

I enrolled in the aviation school to become a pilot while also being a student in MIBCOM. During the day I was going to flight school while in the evening I was attending the master programme. I enjoyed going to all the courses, but I particularly liked those with guest speakers. I learned a lot from the guest speakers. I felt appreciated for my thinking and for my vision. I truly enjoyed the whole master experience and I highly recommend it!

O experienta deosebita

Din partea unei proaspat absolvente a programului de masterat "Master in International Business Communication", as vrea sa va felicit pentru programul mai sus mentionat, initiat de dumneavoastra. A fost o experienta deosebita pentru care as vrea sa va multumesc si ma bucur pentru alegerea facuta! Este extrem de bine organizat, iar cursurile au fost atent alese. Le-am recomandat mai multor prieteni acest program si as fi incantata sa se inscrie.

High academic standards

The virtue of MIBCOM is "located" in its intensive communication and flexible project-based approach. It connects together one's passion for International Business to English communication offering plenty of study cases from today's economic world. Combing academic development with professional full-time experience is no longer one unreachable dream (as in Western European countries following a full-time academic program never allows one student to pursue a full-time job). The programs flexibility (evening classes, types of assignments, nice and friendly atmosphere in classes) suites every student's expectations in regards to setting the basis for a successful international career (working and learning in English in the same time means twice the experience and, of course, attracts strengthening the one's background and, consequently, rewards and salary). Just like me I am sure that new students will discover the pleasure of discussing at high academic standards what leadership means and how organizations need to adapt in order to face business challenges and increasing demands. Many thanks to all of my teachers for developing our structured thinking in open discussions. Special thanks for Mariana Nicolae for helping and inspiring my generation of students on becoming leaders.

I am very glad I graduated successfully the master

Dear Professor Nicolae, I am one of your Chinese students named Liu Jia. I am very glad I graduated successfully the master. Thank you and the faculty for the big help you gave us during these two year. I want to warmly welcome you to come to China and pay a visit to EXPO 2010 Shanghai, China! Best regards!

I spent a wonderful year at the university

I would like to wish you, very late but form all my heart, a very prosperous year. In that occasion I would like to say thank you for all the effort you put in organizing speakers and all the rest because I spent a wonderful year at the university. Best regards

I have been granted a UK working permit

Dear Keith, The reason for the email is to thank you for coming to the ASE & giving us the Seminar. The information and advice that you provided was very useful. It actually prompted the idea of further looking into the HSMP - Highly Skilled Migrant Programme and seeing what the requirements were to qualify for a working permit in the UK. I am pleased to inform you that I have been granted a UK working permit under this scheme. Many thanks again for your guidance. As I told Ms. Nicolae, I still have all the intention of finishing the programme before I leave Romania. Getting this degree will offer a qualified specialization to improving my communication skills in international and intercultural business environments. Many thanks and kind regards,

Never say never again

MIBCOM a reprezentat pentru mine o experienta complet diferita din punct de vedere al abordarii si desfasurarii cursurilor, proiectelor si mai ales colaborarea cu toti profesorii implicati. Multumesc doamnei profesor Nicolae pentru un program complet, variat din punct de vedere cultural si, mai ales, cu distinsi profesori invitati. Nu am sa uit discutiile cu James Hearn si Keith Lawson, care au reusit sa-mi dezvolte o viziune noua, in stilul thinking outside the box. Ca studenta ma obisnuisem sa acumulez informatii, in cadrul MIBCOM am invatat sa utilizez cunostintele acumulate in studii de caz, proiecte commune, am invatat ca nu exista raspunsuri gresite atata timp cat incerc sa ofer solutii rezultate in urma unui process de brainstorming. Sper ca si in anii urmatori acest program de master sa-si stabileasca obiective indraznete, sa-si mentina standardul inalt si sa reuseasca sa egaleze programe de master al unor universitati prestigioase de peste hotare. Mi s-a demonstrat in acesti aproape 2 ani ca este posibil un efort colectiv al unor profesori care stiu ce vor de la studentii lor si doresc sa-i ajute sa se afirme profesional invatandu-i poate cea mai importanta lectie: Never say never again Multumesc pentru tot,

Acest program de master chiar m-a ajutat in cariera profesionala

MIBCOM a reprezentat pentru mine un program de master din care am avut ce invata. Cursurile chiar se tin in limba engleza, spre deosebire de alte programe de master, care doar se lauda cu acest lucru, insa nu prea reusesc, datorita profesorilor mai slab pregatiti la acest capitol. Coordonatoarea programului de master, doamna Profesor Mariana Nicolae este o adevarata inspiratie, aducand in permanenta un plus de interactivitate cursurilor. Pot sa spun ca acest program de master chiar m-a ajutat in cariera profesionala, intrucat lucrez in domeniul marketingului si al comunicarii. Multumesc,

Cursuri infinit mai placute si mai interactive decat in facultate

Experienta mea in cadrul programului de master MIBCOM a reprezentat pentru mine un risc asumat si incununat de succes, din mai multe puncte de vedere. In primul rand, deoarece imi luasem licenta cu aproape zece ani in urma, in al doilea rand, pentru ca domeniul meu de activitate era foarte diferit de domeniul comunicarii si nu in ultimul rand, pentru ca, pentru mine, era primul program de invatamant universitar facut intr-o limba straina. Totusi, am constatat ca datorita abordarii diferite a intregului program de master, abordare introdusa si sustinuta cu o mare implicare de doamna profesor Mariana Nicolae, cursurile erau infinit mai placute si mai interactive decat cele de care avusesem eu parte in facultate. Structura cursurilor, proiectele, desfasurarea cursurilor si a seminariilor, colaborarea cu profesori de prestigiu au transformat o activitate necesara ascensiunii mele profesionale intr-o experienta minunata care mi-a dovedit ca mai exista speranta in invatamantul superior din Romania. Multumesc pentru aceasta experienta minunata si pentru cunostintele acumulate in cadrul acestui program de master, program care m-a ajutat sa-mi dau seama ca vreau si pot mult mai mult.